Beginner Courses

Perhaps you have seen Star Wars, Zorro, Wednesday or James Bond: Die another Day, and wanted to wave a long stick and poke your enemies. Well, now you can at our fencing club, under the supervision of a qualified coach.

We hold numerous courses and taster sessions throughout the year. They will be posted below.

Please fill out the form on the right with your interest or if you wish to come, and a member will reply to you with more information.

We may turn people away who turn up without filling in the form.

We start our beginners on the Discipline of Foil, which is a stabby-thrusting weapon. It is lightweight, and introduces the aspects that make up fencing, such as fingerwork and footwork.

The courses cost £40 for Juniors and £65 for seniors. It runs for 6 consecutive weeks and includes 5 weeks of coaching and an exam to measure progress during the final session.

Once the course has finished, you may join us as a non-member or sign up as a member of the club. A coach will be continuing with your development and introducing the other two weapons: Sabre & Epee

  • None available. Please fill out the form to the right to add your interest

  • 1900 - 2000

    Taster: Friday 3rd January (£5.50)

    6-week course: Friday 10th January - 14th February

  • 1850 - 2000

    Taster: Tuesday 7th January

    6-week course: Tuesday 14th January - 18th February

  • 2000 - 2115

    Taster: Friday 3rd January

    6-week course: Friday 10th January - 14th February